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Alquimia Ritual and Remedy

Our mission is to redefine community care, and to create a space where the ancient wisdom of true healing comes to life. So often we hear about self-care, and all of us know that we could be taking better care of ourselves, but in our modern world where we are each holding so much individually, real self-care becomes nearly impossible. In traditional cultures, childcare, elder care, gardening, home-making, seasonal work and ritual, and so much more is held by the community, which makes space for what we are nowadays calling “self-care.” Alquimia is dedicated to restoring community connections in such a way as to facilitate a greater opportunity for the health and wellbeing of the individual as part of a healthy, thriving community. does not provide medical advice or diagnosis regarding physical or mental health. Use of this website and the information provided herein does not create a physician-patient relationship. We are not physicians. It is important to see your doctor before making any decision about your physical and mental health. You are solely responsible for your decision to obtain treatment from a medical professional. The information presented through this website is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. This website was designed for educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. Please also kindly note that the chakra colors have been interpreted by Belle’s heart and ROANDCO’s Creative genius.